Sunday, May 8, 2011

Working Out is Painful

So I am going to start working out again, and hopefully stick with it this time! The thing is that I don't need to lose a lot of weight...It's more like I need to get healthier and in better shape. I use to be in really good shape...It was to a point that running around playing sport games all day wouldn't bother me. Ha ha, It's not like that anymore. I can hardly last ten minutes which is depressing...but okay, I know I can last longer than that when working out...but not as long as I use to.

           This was me when I was in great shape! Still have the some of the figure just lost some of the muscle.

You are probably thinking how can some one that is in good shape just ruin it. Well let me tell you, there are a lot of factors that go into this...and yes LAZY will be one of these factors. The other factor, well I blame it on high school sport and being burnt out of working out! I hate running now because of track. This is no joke, I seriously get pissed off when I run far distances and stuff. I hate running so much that the only time I will run is when playing pick up games or I have to run for my life when being chased by some type of wild animal in Montana.

So with all of this, I am gonna start working out this week, and pray that I get back into the shape by the end of the summer, and keep it going! Remember Nothing feels better than a healthy body!

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