Wednesday, September 1, 2010

So Long Sweet Summer

So as many know, summer is coming to an end and it means I have to start up the school routine. Crazy how time flies by when you spend it with the people you want to spend that time with. I have plenty of stories to share with you guys. So now I am going to attempt my first Blog post WITHIN a Blog post...Here it goes!!!

The Way Summer Should Be

My summer began with a hiking trip to Mystic Lake and enjoyed it! It is one of the many things you can go see in Montana. So, When the day began we all got into a SUV at 6:30am. This is so we can catch the "WILDLIFE" off guard. Out of all the time we have woke up this early to catch them off guard....I would give it a 25% successful rating!

It is a three mile hike to Mystic Lake. The first two miles are easy as turning on a CPU (computer). BUT the last mile, if I remember right, is a level 3 climb. The Level three climb was switch-backs climbing 1,200ft. The first time we did this hike the switch-backs still had some pretty good snow drifts on the trail. So, we were basically climbing on snow and at time it was very slick! For me, this was scary at times because I am scared shitless of heights! So after the dice factor climb... we got to the top and the lake was still frozen from this winter! (the picture on bottom is from the first hike). The switch-backs going down were even ten times intense then going up them! Trust me, I think we were all glad that we made it back down alive!

P.S. Short story for the second time we hiked the Mystic Lake Trail (witch was about a month after the first time)! We did not have to hike thru the snow and the Lake was not frozen.! The Picture on top is Mystic Lake!
Oh, and we did not catch any wildlife off guard on the second hike too!

Bottom Photo By My sister (CK)
Top Photo By Me

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